How Manual Therapy Can Reduce Seizures

Manual Therapy can Help with Seizures

The relatively new developed brain curriculum by Dr. Bruno Chikly, founder of the Chikly Institute, teaches manual therapy techniques that can reduce seizures, dramatically improving the outcome of brain-related conditions. 

The philosophy is that everything can be palpated, addressed, and realigned. If it is soft tissue or bone, brain tissue, or how we process thoughts, it does not matter. 

In the case of seizures, certain areas in the brain are overstimulated and subject to hyperthermia. As a result, preventing damage to the brain, it shuts down dramatically with grand mal seizures or more quietly with petit or absent seizures.

Chikly’s Manual therapy for the brain trains the seizure-ridden brain to use other pathways for information processing.

The therapist will focus on the brain and its structures by addressing the structures of the brain with the most restrictions. The next step is correction, where the therapist follows and encourages the structure to realign. The therapist gently helps with this adjustment. There are hardly any physical forces at play. It is focused attention that helps with the correction process.

Book your Brain Work appointment here

Working with kids and young teenagers for seizure release.

To keep kids and young teenagers engaged during manual therapy sessions, we ask them to close their eyes and focus on their foreheads for feedback if they have any visuals – light shows! So once in a while, when our young clients get edgy, we ask them for feedback. This helps them stay focused on the task at hand so they get the most out of the session.

How does a session look like

A session usually takes 45 minutes and can be reduced to 20 minutes depending on the client’s age. The client is laying on the treatment table facing the ceiling. Work is only done on the head with a light touch. A blanket can be provided for comfort.